A Concise Beginners Guide - SEO Where to Start?
If you are opening a new business, or you have heard of SEO and have no idea where to start, we have put a concise beginners guide together, making it easier for you to create a SEO strategy to improve website traffic.
Before digging deeper into SEO where to start, you need to understand what search engine optimisation (SEO) is. It is a process using a number of proven tactics and techniques to improve the performance of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs). By improving user experience and your authority in your industry, your visibility will improve, helping to drive quality traffic to your website.
SEO focuses on helping your web pages rank higher in search results. These are valuable organic rankings that cannot be purchased.
When you think of any marketing initiative, you immediate take your budget into consideration. SEO is naturally occurring results. They are achieved through dedication, patience, updating, and monitoring. They provide long-lasting results. The only cost you may incur is should you not have the time on your hands to manage your SEO strategy and stay updated on the latest algorithms and trends, so you hire a SEO expert to assist you.
SEO is essential and not something you can ignore. It drives traffic to your website, makes your brand visible, and helps you generate leads, and improve conversion rates. Google handles billions of searches every day. Seventy five percent of these people will only look at the first page of results, while only 1.8% will click on a paid advert. This shows how important SEO really is.
The first step is to ensure that Google and other search engines, can index your web pages. If Google does not or cannot crawl your website, it cannot index or rank it. This means your site will not appear in SERPs.
You can find out if your web pages are being indexed or not by using the Google Search Console tool. Set it up and then choose the indexing report. If your URLs are not indexed it will tell you, along with a reason why. Often your site will need a XML Sitemap. This can be set up quickly if you are using a content management system such as Shopify or Wordpress, for example.
Keyword research is one of the first things you need to do to ensure your website becomes visible in SERPs. Keywords are the words or phrases your audience uses when searching for products or services you provide on the internet. It is essential that you identify the best keywords that you want to rank for.
Now that you have your keywords and your website is indexed, you need to add the content. Content must be unique and high quality. The better your content is, the higher you can rank in SERPs, ensuring your brand is visible and that you are driving quality traffic to your website.
User experience (UX) is the overall experience a visitor has when they arrive on your website. This has a direct impact on your SEO success. User experience can impact how many people visit your website. Google measures how long users visit your website for, and how quickly they leave. Your website needs to be a helpful resource with fast loading web pages and easy navigation.
While this may all sound easy enough, it is only a small amount of what SEO involves. You will need a lot of time, dedication, and patience to monitor and adjust your strategy, while staying updated on the latest algorithms and trends. To save yourself time, energy, and resources it's advisable to hire a SEO professional to handle your strategy and campaign for you, helping you achieve the best end results.
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