How does page optimisation improve website performance?
These days websites have become an essential part of any successful business. Website success, however, is influenced by more than high quality content and a beautiful design, in fact it relies on you optimising your site for performance. Website performance optimisation enhances the overall effectiveness and speed of your site, improving user experience (UX).
As we live in a digital and fast paced work, users get frustrated easily when websites take too long to load. The speed of your website will impact UX negatively, in turn, negatively impacting your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) and your overall success.
User experience and website performance go hand in hand. Users are likely to leave a slow loading website and head to your competitors, when your web page takes more than three seconds to load. When your users do not engage with your site and leave it almost immediately, your bounce rate increases, which negatively impacts your SEO efforts. One of the main ranking elements for search engines is website speed.
There are a few metrics that will impact your website performance. Optimising your website performance is imperative. Key metrics for website performance includes:
There are numerous benefits when you optimise your web pages for performance:
You will need to optimise your website for performance, ensuring your users have a seamless experience, while boosting your ranking in SERPs. Useful tips for optimising for website performance includes:
Your website will be slowed down with each file request. Lowering the number of files that need to be loaded, helps to reduce HTTP requests.
JavaScript and CSS codes must not be included in your HTML file. Rather make these separate files and use them effectively. Reducing the file size can help improve page speed.
Images must be compressed to reduce the file size without compromising on quality. You want to ensure you use the appropriate file size and format, to reduce the risk of images being too large and slowing down your website speed and performance.
Page optimisation to improve website performance is important to ensure you provide a good user experience, while increasing your ranking in SERPs. Investing in website performance optimisation is a valuable investment, boosting user experience, helping to improve user engagement, conversions, and engagement. Do you need help optimising your website performance? Give the expert Genie Crawl team a call today and let us assist you in improving user experience and rankings moving forward.
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