How Does SEO Optimise Your Website?
Approximately sixty four percent of all organic traffic to your website will come from a search engine, while only ten percent may come from your social media efforts. If you are wondering how SEO optimises your website, then you need to continue reading, helping you gain the best information to make an informed decision on whether your website needs SEO or not.
Before identifying how SEO optimises your website, you need to understand what it is. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is essential to help your website rank in search results from the top search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, among others.
Google, for example, indexes web pages, gathering information to help the search engine provide its users with the most relevant results based on their search. Once you have a website designed, the search engine will crawl your site, learning what information you offer and indexing it accordingly. This is to ensure your site appears in search results.
SEO is a process where you improve your site for search engines. By optimising your website, it helps search engines understand the value of your site, ranking it accordingly.
Website optimisation is essential for any business in today's digital world. More people are using search engines to find the products, services, and information that they need. When your website is optimised, you increase your chances of ranking well in search engine results pages (Seeps). How is this done?
Keywords are still important when it comes to SEO. While things have changed over the years, you still use keywords and place them strategically throughout your content. The keyword is the main topic of your content and it is what makes it possible for potential consumers to find your products or services.
Gone are the days where websites overstuff keywords in their content. Today it's about adding value to the user. Therefore, you need to focus on the main topic of your content and then place the keywords strategically throughout the page, ensuring that they blend in seamlessly to the message you wish to share.
Permalinks are the URL seen when you access a web page. Permalinks provide information on your website structure. They must not be too long, but should provide valuable insight into what the web page is about.
Content is king in the SEO industry. Content that is published on your website must be relevant and engaging. It should cover your topics completely, answering potential customers questions. Overall, any content you publish must add value to your audience.
Images are very important to your SEO success and part of your website optimisation. They help users visualise the content you have published, making it easier for users to understand. Images are also important as they are also crawled by search engines. Images are crawled and indexed, the same as the actual content on the web page. Optimising your images based on keywords ensures that it is displayed in Google Images.
The amount of time it takes for your web pages to load can impact your ranking. On average, users expect a web page to load within two seconds, anything longer than that and they may move on to the next website, your competitors. Your home page will only have a few seconds to make an impact on potential customers, before they decide if they want to continue exploring what you offer or not. Fast loading website pages offers a seamless and user-friendly experience for your visitors.
Chances are you have used your mobile phone or tablet to carry out an online search in the past few months. More and more people are using mobile devices when searching the internet. When your website is responsive with a mobile friendly design, your ranking increases in SERPs. Updating your website to be mobile friendly provides a user friendly experience for visitors, keeping them on your website for longer.
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