How SEO and PPC Work Together to Achieve Online Success
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising are often seen as two separate digital marketing strategies. They can work independently, but become powerful when combined, driving more traffic to your website, improving conversions, and boosting brand visibility.
Before looking at how they complement each other, you need to understand what each strategy is. SEO is an effective digital marketing strategy that optimises elements of your website, helping it to increase its ranking in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). This includes doing thorough keyword analysis, creating high quality content, improving page loading times, and creating authoritative back links. SEO drives organic traffic to your website.
PPC advertising is also a digital marketing strategy that involves paying for advertising, either at the top or bottom of SERPs. It is an affordable paid marketing technique, as you only pay when a user clicks on your advert. The most popular PPC platform is Google Ads. You set a daily budget of what you are happy to spend. It attracts qualified visitors to your website that are looking for products, services, or information that you provide.
PPC advertising drives targeted traffic to your website with almost immediate results. It helps you reach consumers that are ready to make an online purchase. You remain in complete control of your advertising budget and how much you want to bid for your advert placement. You can target specific locations, demographics, times of day, and devices.
PPC does offer almost immediate results, though the traffic you receive will only last as long as you pay for the advertising. SEO, on the other hand, provides long term results. SEO drives sustainable and free traffic to your website. SEO is achieved through high quality content that ranks well in SERPs. It helps users by guiding them through the buying process.
By combining SEO with PPC, you can expect excellent online results. When SEO and PPC work together, you will find:
When you optimise your website with SEO, you increase your chances of ranking higher in SERPs. The aim is to get to the first page of results, using one or more keywords. When you purchase PPC adverts with the same keyword or key phrases, combined with a good bid, your advert can appear near the top of the page to reach your users.
Combining both based on one keyword, helps you boost brand visibility in search results, increasing your chances of securing more clicks to your website.
While your website may already be ranking well for a particular keyword using SEO, combining it with PPC will ensure you don't miss out on any clicks. A study found that when adverts based on specific keywords were paused, eighty nine percent were not replaced by organic results. Pausing PPC advertising can negatively impact your website traffic. When you use PPC, it ensures that you are visible to your audience, reducing the risk of missing out on valuable clicks to your website.
When you use both SEO and PPC you will find that PPC advertising gives you the opportunity to test new keywords. SEO takes time, research, and effort. It is not an overnight success story. SEO is effective in the long run. PPC can help you ensure you are selecting the right keywords, as it offers almost instant results. You can monitor the results of your PPC campaign and then implement these keywords into your SEO campaign.
When you combine your SEO efforts with PPC advertising, you get excellent reporting, providing you with the data you need to make informed decisions when it comes to your online marketing.
SEO and PPC will both provide valuable data, including:
This useful data helps you identify the keywords that are working best for conversions, along with those that see the highest bounce rates. You can use this to make smarter online marketing decisions.
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