How to Create Content That Matches User Intent
Creating high quality content is not only about how you use keywords or how readable the content is, there is another secret asset you need to know about to optimise your content, ensuring it performs well in search engine results pages (SERPs), driving quality traffic to your website.
Yes, great content is very important, but there is more. You can have fantastic and well-written content, but if it doesn't match what your audience is looking for, it won't rank well, which means you are losing out on valuable visitors. The secret asset is ensuring your content matches the users search intent on the internet.
By now you probably have a fair amount of content published regarding your products and/or services. The problem is that a large majority of your audience searching, may not be looking for the content you have produced. Google tends to track all this information, recording when people search for particular products and services. If your content only pushes your brand, for example, then your search market will dwindle.
Your audiences user intent is never going to be about your brand. It is usually about solving a problem with your content, providing a valuable solution. Google will flag your content as less relevant and downgrade your ranking if you don't take user intent into consideration.
The good news is that you can improve your ranking by creating multiple funnels to drive traffic to your website. When you match your users search purpose, it improves user experience. Google will prioritise the most valuable content based on the search query.
When your content doesn't match user intent, it does not rank well in SERPs, it is that simple. When the user cannot find the exact information they need, they will leave your site promptly, increasing your bounce rate, which negatively impacts your ranking.
It is imperative that you create a content marketing strategy that aligns with user intent. When you have a good understanding of your users purpose, you can create high quality content that directly answers their questions, increasing the chances of them staying on your website for longer, engaging with your content, and increasing conversions.
There are four types of user intent you need to be aware of.
In order to optimise your content, you need to comprehend your users purpose behind their search query. Analysing the top ranking pages for keyword intent you want to target is the best way to identify user intent. When you do an in-depth keyword research, you determine what content is ranking well and what your users are looking for.
Once you understand the purpose behind your users search query, you can create high quality content that addresses their concerns or problems directly:
When you understand the purpose behind a users online search, you can create your content that aligns with their search, providing relevant and valuable information. When you do this, you increase your chances of boosting your ranking in SERPs, driving more traffic to your website, increasing engagement and conversions. With the right content strategy in place, you can optimise your content for user intent, achieving SEO success. Contact the Genie Crawl team today if you need help with keyword research to determine user intent, or you are looking for high quality content that aligns with your users search intent to boost your ranking in SERPs.
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