Useful Guide to Where is SEO Meta Description in Wordpress?
The meta descriptions on your website are an important part of any effective SEO campaign. It helps to attract visitors and assist in conversions. While it doesn't seem like something special, they are the targeted piece that appears in search engine results pages (SERPs), and they make a significant impact on your SEO efforts. Without meta descriptions in Wordpress web pages, you could be losing out on a lot of visitors.
When you search Google for a product or service, you will see meta descriptions being used. This is the short snippet that Google shows so you understand what the web page is about and if it is relevant to your search query. Meta descriptions are useful in attracting visitors to your website, boosting your ranking, and helping you stand out from any competitors.
Google, and the other top search engines, use web crawlers. These bots visit your website, crawling the pages and indexing the information. When someone searches for information, products, or services you provide, Google retrieves the information from the index, ranking it and placing it in SERPs.
At the same time, Google can't know exactly what your web pages are about without a little assistance. Meta tags, meta descriptions, sitemaps, and more are used to provide Google with the valuable information it needs so it can give you a ranking. The bots used by search engines are sophisticated, able to extract a meta description and title, figuring out what your page is about.
If you do not take the time to write your own meta description, Google automatically generates one for you, pulling content from your web page. While this is convenient, it could result in you missing the opportunity to reach your target audience.
While meta descriptions do not have a direct impact on your SEO ranking, they are used by the search engines to identify what your content is about. Meta descriptions impact your CTR (Click Through Rate). Your CTR is the number of people that click on your website.
When you take the time to write unique meta descriptions for each web page, you increase your organic CTR. Pages that take the time to write unique meta descriptions can enjoy more than five percent increase in CTR, when compared to pages that don't write a meta description, allowing Google to do it for them.
When you write your own meta descriptions, you control what visitors see. It is also important to note, there are instances where Google will not use your meta description at all. If Google feels that parts of your content is more relevant to the users search query, it may use snippets of your content rather than the unique meta description you created.
When it comes to creating SEO meta descriptions in Wordpress, you will want to ensure that it does not exceed 160 characters. You want your descriptions to be short and to the point. Ensure you focus on your keyword or phrase. If your meta description is for a blog, use the same keyword in your meta description. When you use a keyword in your meta description in Wordpress, it helps you structure your content.
Once you are in your Wordpress, you can download and install YoastSEO. This is an effective plugin that will make it easier to add meta descriptions to your Wordpress website or blog. You can visit any of your website pages or posts and look under “Wordpress Editor.” You will find the meta description section and you can type your unique description, keeping it no more than two sentences.
With this plugin, it will change colours to advise you if your meta description is a good length. You want to aim for green, as red is too long, and orange is too short.
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