Why is a SEO Audit Important?
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) audits are vital in identifying how your website is performing. Without conducting a SEO audit, you have no idea what is impacting your website, why it's not performing as it should, or what is making it perform well. Carrying out an audit is essential to ensure your business improves ranking, becomes visible to potential customers, and drives quality traffic to your website.
There are hundreds of ranking signals that search engines use to determine where your website ranks in search engine results pages (SERPs). Some are more important than others. If your website is not optimised for SEO, you will not achieve the results you wish to achieve. SEO audits are used to review many ranking factors, identifying where your site is under performing, identifying what is needed to improve your ranking, enabling you to make data driven decisions.
SEO audits should be carried out regularly to identify problems and make the necessary adjustments, working in-line with the latest algorithm updates and trends.
SEO Audits can help with the following:
While this is what you would expect from a SEO audit, it should not be ignored. It is easy to identify on-page SEO elements, as you are probably already aware of what needs to be done to optimise your website properly. You can quickly identify when your meta descriptions are too long, or you haven't optimised your URL's, for example.
SEO has become complex over the past few years and this means paying close attention to the Best Practices recommended by Google. Most digital marketing professionals, SEO experts, and business owners focus on Google when thinking of a search engine. This is due to Google being a leading search engine with more than eighty percent market share. As SEO has evolved, Google now has different ranking factors, including quality of content, quality of backlinks, and technical performance, ensuring that their users have a good experience when using their search engine.,
With Google updating their algorithms up to six hundred times every year, SEO audits provides an opportunity to ensure that you haven't missed anything and that your website is still performing well.
While keyword research is imperative to the success of your SEO strategy, you need to ensure the keywords and phrases you have selected are performing as expected. SEO audits help you identify performing keywords, enabling you to optimise your website.
Site audits are more than checking your own progress, you can also perform audits on your competitor websites. This helps you identify their strengths and weaknesses, also providing you with valuable information you cannot ignore, such as:
SEO audits are very important to ensure your website success, enabling you to improve your ranking and become visible in SERPs, while driving traffic to your area. When you know where your SEO strategy is lagging, you are able to make necessary adjustments, ensuring you continue to push forward in a competitive environment.
SEO audits offer numerous benefits including enabling you to see what keywords are performing, gain valuable insights into your competitors, and learn why you may be experiencing a drop in traffic. SEO audits are essential to your long term success.
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