Will SEO Die?
One of the most common questions asked these days in the digital marketing world is whether SEO will die. While technology, SEO, and search engines are constantly evolving, one thing is for sure, SEO is very much alive with no signs of dying any time soon.
SEO remains as powerful and in demand as it was twenty years ago. The only difference is that it has changed considerably and things that worked ten years ago, do not work any more.
SEO is definitely not dying, but it is constantly evolving. SEO will continue to thrive as long as the search engines do. With the advancement in SEO, you cannot expect what is helping you increase ranking right now to work in a months time. This means in order for your SEO strategy to be a success, you need to be willing to stay updated with the latest algorithm updates, being willing to make the necessary changes, adapting accordingly.
Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, the top search engines are able to change their algorithms faster than before. It's important to remember that Google can do more than six hundred algorithm updates each year, so you need to stay on your toes, updated with the updates, ensuring your SEO strategy remains current.
SEO provides businesses to improve their brand visibility, while driving quality traffic to their websites. In addition to this, it offers a wealth of benefits including:
Ranking at the top of search results is not an easy task. The good news is once you secure a top spot, it's not easy to lose the spot. Imagine, your competitors have to work as hard as you did with an effective campaign in order to get above you.
At the same time, many businesses don't want to wait the three to six months to see results. SEO drives organic (natural) traffic to your site and it can take anywhere up to a year to start achieving success. As a result, many choose PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising that offers instant results. PPC will only provide you with results as long as you are paying for it.
While SEO will not die any time soon, there are certain SEO tactics that have already died. These dead SEO tactics include:
Certain SEO tactics are still very powerful in today’s online world. It is important to ensure you embrace these tactics to help your website climb to the top of the ranking ladder.
Will SEO die? Search engine optimisation will not die as long as search engines remain in demand. Remember that more than ninety percent of all online experiences start with a search engine. At the same time, as SEO evolves, certain tactics that were once useful, are now dead. Stay updated with the latest algorithms and trends and follow the SEO best practices to remain current.
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